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Ко мне часто приходит рассылка Care 2 http://www.care2.com
В числе прочих тем, обращение с животными и движение по защите животных. Люди со всего мира пишут о своих любимцах, обсуждают проблемы защиты животных и.т.д.
Вот попалась на глаза статья о гончих: их судьба после того, как они уже не могут участвовать в соревнованиях.....
Еще раз убеждаюсь, что вся жестокость идет от человека. Именно человек - самое сташное животное!
Renowned for their speed and sleek looks, greyhounds have fallen prey to the widely unregulated racing industry. Fortunately, it appears to be a dying business thanks to increased public awareness about the inherent cruelty of the sport.
Every year thousands of dogs are injured and killed for nothing more than a profit. Even the fastest dogs may find themselves obsolete after only a few years of life. According to the Humane Society an estimated 7,500 to 20,000 greyhounds were euthanized merely because they couldn't run fast enough in 2003 alone.
Animal lovers and organizations including Grey2K USA, the Humane Society and the ASPCA are working to ban greyhound racing and to give these dogs a second chance.
Currently there are eight states left that still allow greyhound racing to continue, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Florida’s at the top of the list with 16 tracks.
For more information on how to help visit Grey2K USA and sign Care2’s petition to end greyhound racing in Florida.
[youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOQHUsua … r_embedded[/youtube]